понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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David and I were busy, busy, busy yesterday. But still, we managed to find 40 minutes to lie in our hammock and cuddle.

it was a beautiful, peaceful, warm October afternoon. A bit breezy, but a light blanket solved that issue. The sky was super blue and cloudless, and with the sun angling to the south as the year progresses, we didnapos;t have it baking our legs this time around.

ah, peace. Quiet. We lay quietly, not really talking about anything, just enjoying the opportunity to relax. David almost fell asleep.

the mood was broken, however, by our neighbor coming outside and yelling at his dogs to get back here because their yard is not fenced. Then he and his grandson started tossing a football around, which is a common weekend afternoon activity. We kinda chuckled to each other, gathered up our blanket, and went back inside.


didnapos;t get everything done yesterday that we had planned, but we did work, work, work for several hours. Then about 9:00, David suggested we break out Shadows Over Camelot and begin familiarizing ourselves with the rules. Weapos;re hoping to have a couple people over in November to play board games, so we want to be able to explain the game.

we did it not quite according to the rules, in part because we were trying to learn the rules as we went along. Still, in spite of the fact that we were playing all seven characters, openly with all cards revealed so we knew everything that was going on, plus engaged in open and explicit table talk, plus we cheated a few times [mostly because we werenapos;t aware of it at the time], still, even after all that, we were overcome by evil and lost the frickinapos; game.

heh. Maybe weapos;ll have better luck next time.

[we also ended up playing until midnight, which makes for an extremely weary Robyn.]

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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Astrology Zone

Zone is a term that refers to a forum where astrologers present
Horoscopes and various charts and diagrams related to astrology, and
Where issues in the field of�astrology are discussed. The original use of this term, however, was coined by Susan Miller, one of


's top astrologers, and a pioneer in the astrology-technology marriage.

In 1995, Astrologyzone.com is immensely popular, receiving over 6
Million visitors monthly. Astrologyzone.com moved to Disney's GO.com
Before finally being supported by Susan Miller's own services. Miller
Works full time on this site as she is intimately involved, even though
Her popularity has taken her to other media including book publishing
And public speaking. There are two engineers, a designer, a publicist
And first and second editor, and two assistants working full time at
Astrologyzone.com as well as many reader support people who work

Own mother was an avid astrologer, but very cautious about letting her
Daughter go into the business professionally. Miller's mother taught
Her about astrology, but only with the condition that Susan not
Go public with it until her mother thought she was ready. After 20
Years of study, she was finally ready. Miller learned from her mother
That astrology was not about destiny, but about insight and choices
Based on that insight. It is this basis on which her website,
Astrologyzone.com, is focused. It is Miller's aim to equip people with
Information about the powers that influence them so that they can make
Wise choices about their lives.�

To Miller, astrology is "not an end in itself, but a wonderfully
Creative tool to shape a happier, more productive life.until you delve
Into the subject, you may never know how perceptive and proactive it
Can make you." She has become proactive in her own life from
Astrological insights beginning in early childhood. When Miller was
Born, she had a defect in her left leg that eventually required
Surgery. Because of complications in surgery, her conditioned worsened.
In frustration, she wrote to an astrologer asking if she would ever
Walk again. The horoscope revealed that with extensive treatment and
Intentionally focused energies on her own part, partnered with
Determination and dedication, she would indeed again walk normally.�

The horoscope was not a prediction, but rather an eye-opener for her, showing her that it would be possible
To gain full recovery. She now administers horoscopes for others with
This same understanding of the power of the stars - that they reveal
Insights that allow us to direct our lives toward better quality,
Regardless of our current situation. "When I see difficulties coming
Up," she says, "I feel I should suggest specific ways the reader might
Want to deal with those problems based on key areas of benefit in the

Zone is a place on the Internet of great encouragement based on
Complicated calculations. Susan Miller wants to "coax readers to expand
Their horizons," and that is exactly what you will discover when you
Visit astrologyzone.com.

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If your interested in volunteering for Parade of the Lost Souls - if the burlesque girls have any interest in volunteering in whatever capacity on Sat. Oct. 25, they can contact me - In particular, I thought they may be interested in being "Cheap Art Tarts" (their own creative version of a cigarette girl, costume of choice) who sell Parade memorabilia and solicit donations for us at Public Dreams Society so these amazing events can continue The shifts are from 6-9pm or 7-10pm on event day. Having a crew of these girls to do this together would be AMAZING, and I"m sure a lot of fun. See the attachment for contact details if there is interest.


Volunteer Coordinator, Public Dreams Society
(604) 879-8611

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